Why Choose our Practice?
We strive to improve, maintain, and restore our patient’s vision by application of leading-edge technologies and by diligent human care. We educate and encourage our patients to take control of their eyesight and their health.
There are many reasons to choose our practice. Not only is Dr. Jovkar a premier eye surgeon, but he and his staff are dedicated to helping patients achieve their vision and health goals. Whether you need laser vision correction, cataract surgery, pterygium surgery, cosmetic eye surgery, a glaucoma screening or a contact lens fitting, we will find the right vision solution for you.
The following are eight logical reasons why you should choose us for your eye care. Please click on the + to open each sub-sections below.
Personal Interests
Dr. Jovkar follows the Socratic dictum that “the unexamined life is not worth living.” Dr. Jovkar “examines” life by exercising mindful awareness, by engaging in life-time self-improvement, by spending time with family and friends, by studying philosophy (love of wisdom), and psychology (human mind), by listening to, and playing classical instrumental music, by restoring and driving 50’s and 60’s classic European roadsters and coupés, by marvelling nature, by hiking, and by engaging in vigorous physical exercise.
Research Experience
- Effects of image distortion on stereoscopic image performance. McGill Vision Research Laboratory, McGill University, Montreal. (1994-1995)
- Quantification of D2-dopamine receptors density and affinity in vivo in the basal ganglia of normals and schizophrenics, using the labeled D2-dopamine antagonist 11C-raclopride, and Positron Emission Tomography. Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. (1989)
- The quantitative analysis of cerebral D2 and S2-serotonin receptors in vivo in primate and human, using the labeled antagonist, 18F-ethylspiperone and Positron Emission Tomography. Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research, Cologne, West Germany. (1987-1988)
- Graduate studies in the area of optimization of experimental design and quantification of local cerebral glucose metabolism and protein synthesis in human in vivo studies. Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. (1984-1986)
- (Honors) Undergraduate thesis in engineering. Thesis Title: Three-dimensional surface reconstruction of white blood cells from 2-dimensional cross-sectional images. Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. (1984)
- Design of a radio-frequency receptor antenna for the 26-meter radio telescope for observation of cosmic hydrogen spectral lines. Canadian National Research Council, Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, White Lake, British Columbia, Canada. (April–Sept 1983)
Merit Scholarships Received During Studies:
- The Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Award, 1989. This award was offered on a competitive basis to cover travel expenses to Bolgna, Italy, to attend the International Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Conference.
- Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 1989. This scholarship provided the financial support to carry out research at Karolinska Institute, Sweden, Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
- The Society of Nuclear Medicine Fellowship Grant, 1988. This scholarship was awarded on a competitive basis in North America by the Society of Nuclear Medicine Education and Research Foundation ”to stimulate interest among students in the United States and Canada in the field of nuclear medicine”. In 1988, eight scholarships were granted in North America.
- Max-Planck-Institut für Neurologische Forschung, Cologne, West Germany, 1988. This scholarship provided complete financial support to carry out research in Germany at the Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research in Cologne, West Germany.
- The Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Award, 1987. This award was offered on a competitive basis to cover travel and registration expenses to attend the Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Conference in the summer of 1987.
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, 1987. This scholarship was awarded by the German academic program which covered all living and travel expenses for research at Max Planck Insititue in Cologne, Germany.
- Graduate Studies Scholarships: Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec, 1986. Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec, 1985. Fonds F.C.A.C. pour l’aide et le soutien a la recherche, 1985. Montreal Neurological Institute, 1984.
- These post-graduate scholarships, which were awarded on a competitive basis to Canadian graduate students, enabled Dr. Jovkar to continue research at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Québec, Canada:
- National Research Council Canada, 1983. Provided the financial support for Dr. Jovkar’s research work at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, B.C., Canada.
- James McGill Award, 1982. This scholarship was given to engineering students with a high academic standing by McGill University.
- Peripheral keratitis associated with erythema elevatum diutinum. Aldave A.J., Shih J.L., Jovkar S., McLeod S.D. Am J Ophthalmol 2003 Mar;135(3):389-90
- Contralateral amaurosis secondary to retrobulbar anesthesia. Jovkar S., and Connolly W.E.S. Annals of Ophthalmology 31(6):295.
Radial Keratotomy after Photorefractive Keratectomy for undercorrected myopia. Kwitko M., Jovkar S., and Hua Yan. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, In Press.
- Correction of astigmatism post penetrating keratoplasty by photorefractive keratectomy. Deschênes J., Jovkar S., Balazsi G., and Thompson P. Book Chapter in International Ophthalmology Clinics 36(4):113.
- Arcuate keratotomy for the correction of naturally-occuring astigmatism. Kwitko M., Jovkar S., Yan P., and Rymer S. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 22:1439-1442.
- Phototherapeutic keratectomy for correction of astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty. Jovkar S., Deschenes J., Burnier M.N., Roy M., Balazsi G., Thompson P. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 37:3-S945.
- Retinal Surgery and Ocular Trauma by Smiddy W., Chong L., and Frambach D. Invited book review by editor- in-chief. Jovkar S. Ophthalmic Practice 14(5)227.
- Effect of image distortions on stereoscopic performance. Jovkar S., Hess R.F., Wilcox L., Simmons D. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 36:4-S366.
- Quantification of baboon cortical S2 serotonin receptors in vivo with 3-N-(2′-18F)fluoroethylspiperone and Positron Emission Tomography. Jovkar S., Wienhard K., Coenen H.H., Pawlik G., and Heiss W.D. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 18:158-163, 1991.
- The quantitative analysis of D2 dopamine receptors in baboon striatum in vivo with 3-2’18Ffluoroethylspiperone using Positron Emission Tomography. Jovkar S., Wienhard K., Pawlik G., and Coenen H.H. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 10:720-726, 1990.
- Positron Emission Tomography (PET) studies of dopamine receptor distribution using 18fluoroethylspiperone: findings in disorders related to the dopaminergic system. Wienhard K., Coenen H.H., Pawlik G., Rudolf J., Laufer P., Jovkar S., Stocklin G., and Heiss W.D. Journal of Neural Transmission 81:195-213, 1990.
- The in vivo quantification of D2 dopamine and S2 serotonin receptor density and affinity in baboon brain with PET using 3-(2′-F-18)fluoroethylspiperone. Jovkar S., Wienhard K., Pawlik G., and Coenen H. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 9(1):194, 1989.
- Positron Emission Tomography (PET) investigation of the dopaminergic system in neurological patients using 3-[18F]fluoroethylspiperone. Wienhard K., Coenen H.H., Pawlik G., Hebold I., Jovkar S., Stocklin G., and Heiss W.D. In: PET in Clinical Research and Clinical Diagnosis, Beckers C., Goffinet A., Bol A., eds. Kluver Academic Publishers, 90-107, 1989
- Neurological applications of the D2 antagonist FESP with PET. Wienhard K., Coenen H.H., Pawlik G., Rudolf J., Jovkar S., Stocklin G., and Heiss W.D. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 9(1):116, 1989 Minimization of parameter estimation errors in dynamic PET: choice of scanning schedules. Jovkar S., Evans A., Diksic M., Nakai H., and Yamamoto Y.L. Physics in Medicine and Biology 34(7):895-908, 1989.
- The effects of model configuration, ligand specific activity and binding characteristics on the in vivo quantification of D2 dopamine receptors in the striatum with PET. Jovkar S., Wienhard K., Pawlik G., and Coenen H. Medical Physics 16(3):492, 1989.
- Positron Emission Tomography investigation of the dopaminergic system in neurological patients, using 3-N-(F-18)fluoroethylspiperone. Wienhard K., Coenen H., Pawlik G., Hebold I., Jovkar S., Stocklin G., and Heiss W.D. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 29(5):821, 1988.
- Determination of optimal scan schedules and validation of an empirical tissue noise model in Positron Emission Tomography dynamic studies. Jovkar S., Evans A., Diksic M., and Yamamoto Y.L. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 7(1):S454, 1987.
- Simultaneous measurement of protein synthesis and glucose utilization in an implanted brain tumor model. Kirikae M., Diksic M., Yamamoto Y.L., Nakai H., Jovkar S., and Redies C. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 7(1):S505, 1987.
- Alternative approach to estimate lumped constant in the deoxyglucose model: simulation and validation. Matsuda H., Nakai H., Jovkar S., Diksic M., Evans A., Meyer E., Redies C., and Yamamoto Y.L. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 28(4):471-480, 1987.
- The influence of plasma sampling times on accuracy of estimation of the input function in the deoxyglucose model.
Jovkar S., Nakai A., Evans A., Diksic M., and Yamamoto Y.L. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 27(6):999, 1986. - Optimization of experimental design in tracer kinetic models applied Positron Emission Tomography and autoradiography. M.Sc. Thesis.
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, Montreal Neurological Institute, 1986.
- Three-dimensional surface reconstruction of white blood cells from 2-Dimensional cross-sectional images. (Honors) Under-graduate Thesis.
Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, McGill University, 1984.
- Design of a radio-frequency receptor feed horn antenna for the 26-meter radio telescope dish at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory. Technical Report.
Canadian National Research Council, White Lake, British Columbia, 1983.